Pressure-compensating drippers


0,00 €

Pressure-compensating drippers

Drip irrigation allows you to make an optimal use of water and nutrients, taking water to any
plant from its original spot, completely eliminating losses during the flow and minimizing the
losses due to evaporation and percolation. It totally controls the growing conditions of plants and
customizes the intake of water and nutrients.

0,00 € 0.0 EUR 0,00 € Incl. IVA

0,00 € Incl. IVA

Produto disponível apenas por encomenda, consulte-nos para preços e prazos de entrega

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Marca: Hidroten
Entrega gratuita para a Europa em todas as encomendas a partir de 600€ (impostos não incluídos)
Tamanho 2 l/h-ref.:06040 or 4 l/h-ref.:06041
Marca Hidroten