Пневматичний сівалка SNP-R з зубцями


0,00 €


Пневматичний сівалка SNP-R з зубцями


Standard equipment:
› 􀀴a􀁍ing of springs in three sections.
› 􀀴ear lights 􀁍it and wor􀁍 lights 􀁍it.
› 􀀫ndependent sowing arms in three or
four rows with straight grate.
› 􀀦epth control to central and lateral wheels.
› 􀀥lears traces of seeder
› Hopper selector screen.
› High 􀆃otation wheels 􀀊􀀕􀀖􀀒 􀀑 􀀗􀀗􀀏􀀓􀀘􀀋 in 􀀗 and 􀀘 m models.
› 􀀯echanical turbine with cardan transmission T􀀨T 􀀓􀀒􀀒􀀒 r.p.m.

0,00 € 0.0 EUR 0,00 € з ПДВ

0,00 € з ПДВ

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Бренд: solano horizonte
 Free delivery for europe on all orders from 600 € (taxes not included)

Click on the Document tab to download the pdf technical data sheet of the product

Модель SNP 400-3-32 R or SNP 500-3-40 R or SNP 600-3-40 R or SNP 600-3-48 R or SNP 400-4-32 R or SNP 500-4-40 R or SNP 600-4-40 R or SNP 600-4-48 R
Бренд solano horizonte